Parenting can be tasking at times. I wonder why my baby who is 4 likes to compete and outdo her elder ones. She is choleric and usually takes it out on her brother or the two girls form a team and leave their brother out of their games to go find a playmate.
Hmmm… So as a mother, I started devising tasks, must-do chores etc for them.
For example, I don’t use the washing machine to wash their socks, the three of them do that. My son packs the dried clothes on the line during the weekend, the girls spread it. They all fill up their bottles together for school the next day. Each of them sorts out their clothes. They all lay their beds and clean up their room. My 4-year-old daughter must dust the table. My son can lay his bed perfectly like a pro. He has a perfectionist nature so his approach to things makes him quite finicky about certain things like his bed. His handwriting is super Nelson.
The rule is NO TV during the week.
I don’t allow too much TV and I am not a fan of TV, but a child that wants to watch during the weekend must show me the book, he/she has read for the week no matter how tiny he/she is. I am very firm about that rule.
We usually tell them that ‘Children with big TVs will watch children with a big vision on television.’
My elder daughter is very creative, from
playing the piano to drawing, painting,
making her purses with Ankara. To
inspire creativity in our children we allow
them to use A4 paper to make all the
different objects with their Art & Craft
books. They usually soil their clothes with watercolours. When I scream that they are wasting paper, my husband simply says let them be, I will buy more when they finish it”.
Today our children are grown. Our
daughter @mojoyinsplendid has won over six awards both locally and internationally.
Our son @superbrainboy has won over four awards.
And Mofe @adeshinamofe the last daughter has been
Internationally recognised for her artwork by the Sade Magazine London. She has been featured in a movie that has won five international awards. She is also a co-anchor of a Food TV show.
Thank you for reading the
tips. We pray this motivates you to raise
leaders of character and competence